220. In addition to the general content prescribed by section 16, every application for authorization for a storm water management system that does not drain a high-risk site must include the following supplemental information and documents:(1) the plans and specifications of the system, extension or modification concerned;
(2) the plan provided for in section 17, showing the location of the work concerned in relation to existing public roads and the lots served;
(3) a technical report signed by an engineer(a) assessing the hydrological changes caused by the project and each project activity;
(b) demonstrating the monitoring and control measures that will be put in place to reduce the impact of the water discharged on water quality and the potential for erosion and flooding in the receiving environment;
(c) if the system discharges water to a combined sewer system, describing the effect of the project on the frequency of overflow events at each overflow located downstream from the connection point and the frequency of diversions at the treatment plant;
(4) for the work concerned, an attestation of compliance with the standard specification BNQ 1809-300 or, if the work is not compliant, the reason for departing from one or more of the provisions of the specification;
(5) the program for operating and maintaining the equipment used to treat water and control flows;
(6) to replace, where applicable, the certificate from the clerk required by section 32.3 of the Act, a resolution from the municipality concerned showing that it undertakes to acquire the system or extension.